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National Certificate – ODETP – Level 5 – 50334

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National Certificate – ODETP – Level 5 – 50334

QUALIFICATION RULES: Total credits 120

Fundamental Component
The Fundamental Component consists of Unit Standards to the value of 10 credits all of which are compulsory.

Core ComponentThe Core Component consists of Unit Standards to the value of 61 credits all of which are compulsory.

Elective Component
The Elective Component consists of individual unit standards from which the learner must choose unit standards totalling a minimum of 49 credits.

Modular Outline of Learning Programme
Communicate in a variety of ETD settings

Unit Standard TypeUnit Standard CodeUnit Standard TitleLevelCredits
Fundamental115789Sustain oral interaction across a wide range of contexts and critically evaluate spoken texts 56
Fundamental115790Write and present for a wide range of purposes, audiences and contexts 

Design and develop learning programmes and processes

Unit Standard TypeUnit Standard CodeUnit Standard TitleLevelCredits
Core 114924Demonstrate understanding of the outcomes-based education and training approach within the context of a National Qualifications Framework 55
Core 123396Define target audience profiles and skills gaps 46
Elective123394Develop outcomes-based learning programmes 510

Facilitate and evaluate learning

Unit Standard TypeUnit Standard CodeUnit Standard TitleLevelCredits
Core117871Facilitate learning using a variety of given methodologies 510
Core 123397Evaluate a learning intervention using given evaluation instruments 510
Elective15218 Conduct an analysis to determine outcomes of learning for skills development and other purposes 615
Elective 123401Design outcomes-based learning programmes615
Elective 123398Facilitate the transfer and application of learning in the workplace 55

Engage in and promote assessment practices

Unit Standard TypeUnit Standard CodeUnit Standard TitleLevelCredits
Core 115753 Conduct outcomes-based assessment 15 
Elective 115759 Conduct moderation of outcomes-based assessments 10 

Provide learning support to learners and organisations

Unit Standard TypeUnit Standard CodeUnit Standard TitleLevelCredits
Core 117874Guide learners about their learning, assessment and recognition opportunities 56
Core 117865 Assist and support learners to manage their learning experiences Level 4 
Elective119665Demonstrate understanding of the concept of human rights and democracy and its application in society512

Conduct skills development facilitation

Unit Standard TypeUnit Standard CodeUnit Standard TitleLevelCredits
Core 15221 Provide information and advice regarding skills development and related issues 
Elective 15227 Conduct skills development administration in an organisation 
Elective 15232 Coordinate planned skills development interventions in an organisation 
Elective 15217 Develop an organisational training and development plan 
Elective 252041Promote a learning culture in an organisation55
Elective 123400Evaluate and promote education training and development (ETD) providers, services and products for organisational use65

Qualification Outcome

  • Communicate in a variety of ETD settings.
  • Design and develop learning programmes and processes.
  • Facilitate and evaluate learning.
  • Engage in and promote assessment practices.
  • Provide learning support to learners and organisations.
  • Conduct skills development facilitation.

International Comparability

International qualifications were examined to ensure that the qualification structure and unit standards in the NC ODETD L5 are comparable in terms of level, scope and competencies covered. Qualifications and/or programmes from West Africa, Singapore, the United Kingdom, United States of America, Australia and New Zealand were selected based on proven best practice within the field of Education and Training.

The NC ODETD L5 compares favourably with a wide selection of international qualifications, providing a mix of mandatory and optional units that enable candidates to tailor the qualifications to their particular role. Where outcomes or competencies are identified within the international qualifications, they are generally comparable to the South African qualifications in terms of levels and range of competencies covered.

Articulation Options

Learners can move horizontally by achieving the credits specified in the following qualifications:

  • 50333: “National Diploma: Occupationally-Directed Education Training and Development Practices”, NQF Level 5.
  • 20159: “National Diploma: ABET Practice”, NQF Level 5.
  • 20160: “Certificate: Education”, NQF Level 5.
  • 49710: “National Diploma: Development Practice”, NQF Level 5.
  • Learners can move vertically by using this qualification as the basis for the following qualifications:
  • 50330: “National First Degree: Occupationally Directed Education Training and Development Practices”, NQF Level 6.
  • 20161: “Bachelor of Education”, NQF Level 6.
  • 20485: “National First Degree in ABET Practice”, NQF Level 6.
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