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National Certificate – Occupational Health and Safety – Level 2 – 74269

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National Certificate – Occupational Health and Safety – Level 2 – 74269

QUALIFICAITON RULES: total credits 120

Fundamental Component
The Fundamental Component consists of Unit Standards to the value of 36 credits all of which are compulsory.

Core Component
The Core Component consists of Unit Standards to the value of 64 credits all of which are compulsory.
Elective Component
The Elective Component consists of individual unit standards from which the learner must choose unit standards totalling a minimum of 20 credits.

Modular Outline of Learning Programme

Module 1– Basic Mathematical Skills

Unit Standard TypeUnit Standard CodeUnit Standard TitleLevelCredits
Fundamental9009Apply basic knowledge of statistics and probability to influence the use of data and procedures in order to investigate life related problems23
Fundamental7480Demonstrate understanding of rational and irrational numbers and number systems23
Fundamental9008Identify, describe, compare, classify, explore shape and motion in 2-and 3-dimensional shapes in different contexts23
Fundamental7469Use mathematics to investigate and monitor the financial aspects of personal and community life22
Fundamental9007Work with a range of patterns and functions and solve problems25

Module 2– Basic Literacy Skills

Unit Standard TypeUnit Standard CodeUnit Standard TitleLevelCredits
Fundamental119456Write/present for a defined context25
Fundamental119463Access and use information from texts25
Fundamental119454Maintain and adapt oral/signed communication25
Fundamental119460Use language and communication in occupational learning programmesL 25

Module 3 – Basic Computer Skills

Unit Standard TypeUnit Standard CodeUnit Standard TitleLevelCredits
Core116937Use a Graphical User Interface (GUI)-based spreadsheet application to create and edit spreadsheets24
Core117924Use a Graphical User Interface (GUI)-based word processor to format documents25
Core116945Use electronic mail to send and receive messages22

Module 4 – Occupational Hygiene

Unit Standard CodeUnit Standard TitleLevelCredits
259609Demonstrate an understanding of Occupational Hygiene29

Module 5 – Basic Health and Safety

Unit Standard CodeUnit Standard TitleLevelCredits
259639Explain basic health and safety Principles in and around the workplace29

Module 6 – Understanding Health and Safety

Unit Standard CodeUnit Standard TitleLevelCredits
259602Describe sources of and control measures for noise in a work place12
13961Demonstrate Knowledge and Use of Hand Operated Fire Fighting Equipment22

Module 7 – Conducting Inspections

Unit Standard CodeUnit Standard TitleLevelCredits
259617Conduct an investigation into workplace safety, health and environmental incidents23
259619Conduct workplace Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) inspections23

Module 8 – Identifying Hazards and Risks

Unit Standard CodeUnit Standard TitleLevelCredits
259618Examine refuge bays/places of safety22
119554Apply environmental management tools to assess impacts25

Module 9 – Managing Health and Safety in the Workplace

Unit Standard CodeUnit Standard TitleLevelCredits
259621Manage the prevention of fatigue in the workplace23
259620Manoeuvre materials safely by hand in a workplace23

Module 10 – First Aid

Unit Standard CodeUnit Standard TitleLevelCredits
120496Provide risk-based primary emergency care/first aid in the workplace25

Module 11 – Compliance to OHS

Unit Standard CodeUnit Standard TitleLevelCredits
259604Verify compliance to safety, health and environmental requirements in the workplace24

Module 12 – Electives

Unit Standard TypeUnit Standard CodeUnit Standard TitleLevelCredits
Elective9964Apply health and safety to a work area23
Elective259599Participate in the establishment, implementation and monitoring of a health and safety agreement22
Elective119553Take action to address impacts on the environment210
Elective120330Conduct a continuous risk assessment in a workplace34
Elective120337Demonstrate knowledge pertaining to the preparation, conducting, recording and follow-up actions of a planned task observation in a working place32

Qualification Outcome

  • Use verbal and written practices to communicate in the workplace and apply
  • mathematical processes to solve every day numerical problems.
  • Explain the requirements of current legislation impacting on Health, Safety and
  • environmental issues in the workplace.
  • Recognise, assess and report health and safety hazards and situations in the workplace.
  • Administer various health and safety functions, planning, policy and behaviours in the workplace.
  • Identifying and solving problems in the workplace in the process of dealing with and health and safety hazards and situations and the administration of health and safety functions.
  • Working effectively with others in the maintenance and adherence of health, safety and environmental practices in the workplace.
  • Organising and managing oneself and one’s activities responsibly and effectively so that all aspects regarding health, safety and environmental functions and practices are at hand, as and when required, to enhance these in the workplace and in the application of legislation.
  • Collecting, analysing, organising and critically evaluating information pertaining to the application of health, safety and environmental legislation and the implementation of health, safety and environmental practices and functions.
  • Communicating effectively with all the stakeholders who are involved in health, safety and environmental practices and functions.
  • Using science and technology effectively and critically in the preparation and distribution of health, safety and environmental reports.
  • Demonstrating an understanding of the world as a set of related systems through the proper application of systems, policies and procedures related to health, safety and environmental practices and functions.

International Comparability

The United Kingdom seems to show best practice through its strictness in the observance of health and safety practices and in the provision of training and development in this field. The National Certificate: Occupational Health, Safety and Environment, NQF Level 2, compares favourably with the courses offered in the United Kingdom. Differences in training in South Africa are created through the need to comply with South African legislative requirements. Training in the area of OHS in South Africa has shown to be in demand in several countries of the SADC region and further afield in sub-Saharan Africa.

Articulation Options 

Horizontally, this Qualification articulates with:

  • ID 61689: National Certificate: Community Water, Health and Sanitation Promotion, NQF   Level 2.
  • ID 49085: National Certificate: Fundamental Ancillary Heath Care, NQF Level 2.
  • ID 49605: National Certificate: Environmental Practice, NQF Level 2.

Vertically, this Qualification articulates with:

  • ID 50062: National Certificate: Occupational Hygiene and Safety, NQF Level 3.
  • ID 49128: National Certificate: Community Health Work, NQF Level 3.
  • ID 49752: National Certificate: Environmental Practice, NQF Level 3.
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