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National Certificate – New Venture Creation – Level 2 – 49648

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National Certificate – New Venture Creation – Level 2 – 49648

Purpose And Rationale Of The Qualification 

The purpose of the NQF level 2 New Venture Creation qualification is to provide a qualification that can form the basis for structured programmes for potential and existing entrepreneurs to capitalise on opportunities to start and grow sustainable businesses that form part of the mainstream economy, enabling the learners to tender for business opportunities within both the public and private sectors. This qualification is designed for learners who intend to set up or have already set up own ventures. Assessment of the competencies and knowledge in the qualification needs to be done in the context of the learner’s own new venture.

Research has indicated that people working with their own new ventures at this level need the following competencies:

  • Acquisition of an entrepreneurial profile which includes an innovation orientation
  • An understanding of the industry/sector in which they wish to establish a new venture
  • An ability to match new venture opportunities to market needs within a chosen industry/sector
  • An ability to determine and manage the financial requirements of a new venture
  • An ability to match new venture opportunities to market needs
  • An ability to compile and utilise a business plan to manage a new venture and also where relevant, to seek funding for a new venture


The future of South Africa’s economy does not just lie in the formal sector, but within the informal SMME sector too. This is a growing part of South Africa’s economy and requires substantial focus from a developmental perspective. Following the success of the implementation of the National Certificate: New Venture Creation (NVC): Level 4 and upon doing further research, it has been established that there is a great demand to equip entrepreneurial learners with knowledge and skills at NQF level 2 so that they can become part of the mainstream economy as they set up and manage new ventures. Whilst the complexity of learning will be simpler at this level, the main outputs, requirements and competences of such entrepreneurs are broadly the same.

The small business sector is growing and it is in light of this that various stakeholders have taken the initiative to provide mentorship programmes that will assist budding entrepreneurs to become a more integral part of the mainstream economy, serving both the public and private sectors. Apart from the formative development that can take place via these programmes, it also provides more importantly for sustainable development.

Thus the design and establishment of an entrepreneurship qualification aims to:

  • Develop appropriate skills and knowledge for the establishment and development of an enterprise.
  • Address the economic/administrative and behavioural barriers that contribute to failures in starting and sustaining an enterprise.
  • Create long-term solutions for job creation and SMME development via the building blocks and structure of a qualification that practically addresses the learning requirements of budding entrepreneurs.

Learning assumed to be in place and recognition of prior learning 

It is assumed that learners are competent in Communication and Mathematical Literacy at NQF Level 1.

Recognition of prior learning

The structure of this Unit Standard based Qualification makes the Recognition of Prior Learning possible. Learner and Assessor will jointly decide on methods to determine prior learning and competence in the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes implicit in the Qualification and the associated Unit Standards. Recognition of Prior Learning will be done by means of an Integrated Assessment.

This Recognition of Prior Learning may allow for:

  • Accelerated access to further learning at this or higher levels on the NQF
  • Gaining of credits for Unit Standards in this Qualification
  • Obtaining this Qualification in whole or in part.

All recognition of Prior Learning is subject to quality assurance by the relevant ETQA or an ETQA that has a Memorandum of Understanding with the relevant ETQA.

Qualification Rules 

The Certificate is made up of a planned combination of learning outcomes that have a defined purpose and will provide qualifying learners with applied competence and a basis for further learning.

The qualification is made up of Unit Standards that are classified as Fundamental, Core and Elective. A minimum of 138 credits is required to complete the qualification.

In this qualification the credits are allocated as follows:

  • Fundamental : 36 credits : 27%
  • Core : 70 credits : 50%
  • Electives : 32 credits : 23%
  • Total : 138 credits : 100%

Motivation for number of credits assigned to Fundamental, Core and Elective

Fundamental Component

Unit Standards to the value of thirty-six credits are allocated to the subject areas of Communication and Mathematical Literacy.

The Communications aspect focuses on basic communication skills required to fullfil entrepreneurial functions and this component caters for twenty credits

Sixteen credits in Mathematical Literacy have also been included in the Fundamental Component, focusing on the fundamental Mathematics and statistics required to complement entrepreneurial financial functions. In addition, the Mathematical component will enable the learner to utilize a range of patterns and functions to solve problems.

All the Unit Standards are compulsory.

Core Component

Seventy credits have been allocated to Unit Standards in the Core Component of this Qualification. This is to ensure that the Qualification has a strong New Venture Creation focus. The Unit Standards classified as Core describe entrepreneurial knowledge and skills that are generic to various types of new ventures within varying industries/sectors. They provide an opportunity to develop knowledge of new venture creation through basic research, formal learning and business workplace practice and/or simulated situations. The Unit Standards encourage application of knowledge and skills in real situations, with particular emphasis on developing an entrepreneurial profile, matching new venture to market needs, financial management, business plan implementation, ethics and customer service.

All Unit Standards are compulsory.

Elective Component

There are Unit Standards totalling Ninety-one credits in this Component. These Unit Standards develop further the competencies and knowledge contained in the Core Component by focusing on learning areas pertinent to New Venture Creation. They will enable learners to gain specialist knowledge and skills, which are particularly relevant, or of interest to the learner. The Elective Component focuses particularly on teamwork and human resources management, business awareness, administration and records management, information systems, customer and public relations and industry awareness and procurement of new work.

Learners are required to select Electives that add up to at least thirty-two credits.

Exit Level Outcomes 

  • Use basic Mathematics in order to fullfil new venture functions effectively.
  • Apply basic Communication skills in new venture creation context.
  • Determine market requirements and manage the relevant marketing and selling processes.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the sector/industry in which the business operates.
  • Determine financial requirements and manage financial resources of a new venture.
  • Manage business operations. 

Articulation Options 

This Qualification articulates horizontally with the following Qualifications:

  • The National Certificate in Business Administration Services: Level 2
  • The National Certificate in Call Centre Support: Level 2

Vertical articulation is possible with the following Qualifications:

  • The National Certificate in Business Administration Services: Level 3
  • The National Certificate in Management: Level 3
Unit Standard TypeUnit Standard CodeUnit Standard TitlePRE-2009 NQF LevelNQF LevelCredits
Core113924 Apply basic business ethics in a work environment Level 2 NQF Level 02 
Core 114974 Apply the basic skills of customer service Level 2 NQF Level 02 
Core 114959 Behave in a professional manner in a business environment Level 2 NQF Level 02 
Core 119666 Determine financial requirements of a new venture Level 2 NQF Level 02 
Core 119673 Identify and demonstrate entrepreneurial ideas and opportunities Level 2 NQF Level 02 
Core 119667 Identify the composition of a selected new venture’s industry/sector and its procurement systems Level 2 NQF Level 02 
Core 119668 Manage business operations Level 2 NQF Level 02 
Core 119674 Manage finances for a new venture Level 2 NQF Level 02 10 
Core 119672 Manage marketing and selling processes of a new venture Level 2 NQF Level 02 
Core 119669 Match new venture opportunity to market needs Level 2 NQF Level 02 
Core 119670 Produce a business plan for a new venture Level 2 NQF Level 02 
Fundamental 8963 Access and use information from texts Level 2 NQF Level 02 
Fundamental 9009 Apply basic knowledge of statistics and probability to influence the use of data and procedures in order to investigate life related problems Level 2 NQF Level 02 
Fundamental 7480 Demonstrate understanding of rational and irrational numbers and number systems Level 2 NQF Level 02 
Fundamental 9008 Identify, describe, compare, classify, explore shape and motion in 2-and 3-dimensional shapes in different contexts Level 2 NQF Level 02 
Fundamental 8962 Maintain and adapt oral communication Level 2 NQF Level 02 
Fundamental 8967 Use language and communication in occupational learning programmes Level 2 NQF Level 02 
Fundamental 7469 Use mathematics to investigate and monitor the financial aspects of personal and community life Level 2 NQF Level 02 
Fundamental 9007 Work with a range of patterns and functions and solve problems Level 2 NQF Level 02 
Fundamental 8964 Write for a defined context Level 2 NQF Level 02 
Elective 9964 Apply health and safety to a work area Level 2 NQF Level 02 
Elective 14343 Investigate the structure of an organization as a workplace Level 2 NQF Level 02 
Elective 14341 Keep informed about current affairs related to one`s own industry Level 2 NQF Level 02 
Elective 14340 Maintain an existing information system in a business environment Level 2 NQF Level 02 
Elective 114976 Operate and take care of equipment in an office environment Level 2 NQF Level 02 
Elective 14346 Process numerical and text data in a business environment Level 2 NQF Level 02 
Elective 119671 Administer contracts for a selected new venture Level 3 NQF Level 03 10 
Elective 119713 Apply basic HR principles in a new venture Level 3 NQF Level 03 
Elective 13912 Apply knowledge of self and team in order to develop a plan to enhance team performance Level 3 NQF Level 03 
Elective 117837 Assemble, install and dismantle exhibition stands Level 3 NQF Level 03 
Elective 13929 Co-ordinate meetings, minor events and travel arrangements Level 3 NQF Level 03 
Elective 13915 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of HIV/AIDS in a workplace, and its effects on a business sub-sector, own organisation and a specific workplace Level 3 NQF Level 03 
Elective 13930 Monitor and control the receiving and satisfaction of visitors Level 3 NQF Level 03 
Elective 13936 Outline the legal environment of a selected industry Level 3 NQF Level 03 
Elective 13934 Plan and prepare meeting communications Level 3 NQF Level 03 
Elective 13933 Plan, monitor and control an information system in a business environment Level 3 NQF Level 03 
Elective 13932 Prepare and process documents for financial and banking processes Level 3 NQF Level 03 
Elective 119712 Tender for business or work in a selected new venture Level 3 NQF Level 03 
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