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Introduction to basic computers

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Introduction to basic computers

2 Week course:
1 Week – Theory
1 Week – Practical

Who should attend the computer training course?

  1. Any person who wants to upskill themselves and increase their employability/li>
  2. Any person wanting to learn basic computer skills

About the Course:

The basic computer training course is designed for everyone; employed as well as unemployed individuals. It is aimed to empower and equip them with the tools to perform many functions when using a computer. The course covers a variety of topics so that all the skills learned may be transferred and used in any environment.

The training is classroom based with a mixture of theory and practical exercises which enable the learner to become accustomed to using a laptop or desktop.

RADA Training Academy believes that the more you practice, the more confident and better you become.

2 Week course
Day 1Introduction to hardware and software, how to operate Windows 10
Day 2Introduction to Word
Day 3Introduction to Excel
Day 4Emails and how to use the Internet
Day 5Assessment and revision
Week 2Practical work

The following content will be covered throughout the training:

  1. Introduction to computers – hardware and software
  2. How to operate Windows 10
  3. Introduction to Word
  4. Introduction to Excel
  5. Emails
  6. How to use the Internet
Table of Contents
Table of Contents